
If you're curious about the history of this site, here's my update log.

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September 2024

September 27, 2024: I just recently saw that my website has passed 10,000 views!! That's nuts to me! Shouts out to anyone who's a repeat visitor, and if it's your first time I hope you enjoy your stay!! I've been working on reformatting this website in a HUGE way, I hope it will make it a bit more nice to look at. It's been a pretty decent project on top of my college work, so don't expect anything soon LOL. Things are going good and I am feeling inspired again!

September 4, 2024: The new portfolio page is FINALLY live. I am still working on readding all my images, but it is viewable!. Let me know what you think and if you happen to find any links that are now broken please let me know as I'm trying to fix them all.

July 2024

July 31, 2024: I've made a few minor updates to some pages, just adding some content. I'm thinking about trying to rebuild this site again to make it a little more -- condensed? I feel like it's very clunky right now.

July 19, 2024: New frog blog!

July 6, 2024: I made a shrine for toon town. It's taking over my life and I need to yap about it. I'm still working on the portfolio page; everytime I rework it I'm unhappy with it. I think I lost the pen for my wacom tablet :(

June 2024

June 27, 2024: I haven't forgotten about you website! I'm rebuilding the portfolio page and trying to understand the javascript necessary to make things look right. If anyone knows any good tutorials in regards to lightbox, slideshow displays, or other gallery mechanics like that hit me up cause I am CONFUSED! I don't wanna just rip someones template I'd rather make it myself yknow. Anyways I am planning some big changes for this site, I just need to make some of the necessary graphics and build the layouts.

June 19, 2024: The top 10 list on the CM chrine is completed finally. I'm working on the Derek Morgan character analysis, but I'm also playing a lot of toon town again (cheato if u see this, yes ur page reminded me to redownload the game lmao). Small updates for a bit, but I am always adding more content (´∀`)b

June 18, 2024: I added 3 more entries to my top 10 episodes on the CM Shrine. I'll finish off the last two entries tomorrow and start working on the Derek Morgan character analysis. Life has been a little busy lately so nothing big happening for now.

June 17, 2024: I haven't been doing many noteworthy changes the past few days. Added some content to a couple shrines and uploaded more web graphics I've made (you can view those here). I've been tweaking the responsiveness of the updated pages to make sure everything looks correct.

June 13, 2024: Finished updating the CSS for the blogs, shrines, and about me page. Soon will get around to redoing the portfolio and frog page. I made a shrine for The SCP Foundation. It will probably be empty for a little while, but I'm using it to collect my favorite SCPs for now, so you can see that!

June 11, 2024:I completely redid the about me page. It looks a little weird right now while the CSS is updating, but I think y'all will like the new layout. I started a shrine for the Saw Franchise. Not much on it yet but give it time.

June 10, 2024: I am slowly overhauling the appearance of this site! Bear with me as things may get a little weird for a bit, but hopefully it will come together nicely :) So far only a few subpages have had appearance changes, but the rest are being worked on! I want to make sure everything looks right on a variety of screen sizes.

June 9, 2024: Made a little marker to make it more obvious when I update specific pages. Look out for this little guy . I made a new frog blog as well and added some bits and bobs to shrines.

June 7, 2024: I changed the layout of the CM shrine a bit; I'm testing out a new design for the shrines and blog style pages to make them more viewable on different screens. Let me know what you think!

June 4, 2024: More info added to CM shrine, added a changelog page to better organize updates. Making some stuff.

June 2, 2024: I learned how to make a music player!!!!!! I have one on my About Me page so you can listen to some of my favorite tunes. Added a new piece to my portfolio and have been adding some content to shrines.

May 2024

May 31, 2024: I added a box to my "About Me" page that includes my latest art piece. Below that I added a section for my web design projects, there's only one thing there right now

May 29, 2024: I added a new piece to my portfolio in the fan art section. Updates are going to slow for a bit. I'm taking some time to study javascript nd also sketching out ideas for how I want this site to look eventually.

May 26, 2024: I fixed the header on the frog blog, working on making the site more responsive.

May 23, 2024: I made a new frog blog about the Kihansi Spray Toad. I'm trying to fix the header on that page idk WHY I can't get the dimensions right 눈_눈 ALSO I made another shrine, this one to Wizard101, it's mostly empty now but I'll be working on it.

May 20, 2024: I added some old art to my portfolio.

May 17, 2024: I added a shrine to Warriors. Changed background color on some pages because it was giving me a headache.

May 16, 2024: I've been doing some animation practice; I added a WIP to my portfolio. I got rid of the secret page bc it was taking up too much space and I'm learning how to do it better! Unified the font throughout for consistency, and I added some buttons to the nav bar on my about page. Let me know what you think :P

May 13, 2024: Published the first half of my Spencer Reid Analysis on my Criminal Minds Shrine. Also added a page to shout into the Void. Mostly just adding content today. Also created a Site Map to maybe help navigation.

May 11, 2024: Lots of cosmetic changes today. More stuff coming to the Criminal Minds Shrine soon.

May 10, 2024: I'm learning how to animate! I've added some things to my portfolio. Moved my virtual pets to their own page. New frog blog!

May 9, 2024: Adding more stuff, changing some graphics. Nothing crazy

May 7, 2024: Added a page called Why make a website detailing why building my own site has been so important to me. Some minor aesthetic changes to other pages. The portfolio is viewable again but still under construction.

May 5, 2024: Added more info to Criminal Minds shrine, updated header of the frog blog. Added a page for pics of my pets. Definitely not procrastinating working on the portfolio page.

May 3, 2024: I made a shrine to my favorite show of all time Criminal Minds. It's still a WIP but there's some stuff on there.

May 1, 2024: Nothing major today. I made some adjustments to the appearance of the landing page and added a page for web graphics and adoptables that I've made here. Added a couple more pets to the About Me page. Gradually adding more info to the frog blogs cause they seemed too short to me.

April 2024

April 30, 2024: I made a custom border for the landing page page! Will probably change it a few times, but I wanted to try it out. Doing some java tutorials so I can start making fun stuff. The portfolio page is broken again because I decided to redo some things.

April 29, 2024: New frog blog about Beelzebufo! Added a custom gifypet and comment box to my "About Me" page. Also redid the layout of the About Me page slightly. Created a page for other fun/useful sites.

April 28, 2024: Minor updates to colors, borders, and text appearances. Big stuff to come, but I am taking it slow to avoid burnout.

April 27, 2024: The portfolio page is officially viewable! With the help of a friend I was able to add click-displays to my images. There is still some bugs I'm working out, but it's doing sort of what I want it to! I started reworking the layout for the "About Me" page (previously the home page). Hopefully this will make it easier to look at and navigate. The semester is almost over and I'll have even more time to work on this ദ്ദി(˶‾᷄ᗜ‾᷅˵ ᵕ)

April 26, 2024: Currently reworking my portfolio page(〜^∇^ )〜 Trying to decide the best way to navigate and display content. New frog blog post coming soon !

April 25, 2024:Today was a busy day!! Polishing this page a bit. Added a custom cursor just for laughs. Completely revamped the Frogs Page. More to come

April 24, 2024: Created the layout of the landing page! Also added some links to subpages that make navigation easier.

April 19,2024: The website is born! Several updates happened between this date and the 24th, but they were mostly just adding images or creating subpages

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