Welcome To The Bog!

Home of the Frog

You can call me Froggy! I'm 23 years old and this is my space on the web!

⇩ Here's my button!

Recent Update: I need to do some fine-tuning tweaks to this website for a bit; major updates are paused while I catch up.

Frog Fun Fact

Glass Frogs are a classification encompassing 160 species of frogs with translucent bodies. This adaptation allows them to blend in to their leafy surroundings. Male frogs have been observed caring for eggs several weeks after being laid!

Fun fact! This is my favorite kind of frog; I have one tattooed :D

My Main Interests

Saw Franchise

Criminal Minds

Warriors by Erin Hunter

Wizard 101


World of Warcraft

Here are some freebies I've made that you can put on your website! No limit to how much you take, just don't hotlink. Links back to me are appreciated ♡

Latest Art