Froggy Blogs

Thoughts, feelings, ideas, and ramblings


I'm using this space to talk about whatever I want! Today I am talking about anger. I have been feeling a lot of anger lately. I am frustrated at the lack of care people have for others. The world is not all bad, but we are becoming more and more isolated. People seem to lack consideration for how their actions impact others. Not to state the obvious, but the people in power do not care about us. I feel like I am seeing this more and more everyday; they're not very good at hiding it. This lack of care for people has led to a growing amount of anger in everyday people. Road rage is becoming more common, violence is up, hatecrimes are only ever increasing. What frustrates me most is how easily people can redirect their anger and blame their neighbors, colleagues, even friends for the state of the world. Newsflash asshole! We're all getting treated like shit!

I'm not going to sit here and act like I am immune to feeling anger towards regular people, but we have to remind ourselves who's really responsible for the shitty state of the world. It's not your neighbors fault grocery prices are going up, it's not the fault of some kid on the street that the school system is in shambles. Look at the assholes at the top, see where their money is (or isn't) going, see who really controls the government. I am so sick of the infighting and divide over shit that does not matter. Gay and trans people existing has no effect on if I can afford eggs this week. A black person walking down the street has no effect on if my landlord will fix an emergency maintenance request before it becomes a danger. A muslim seeking a place of worship has no effect on if my car is going to start this morning. Maybe I'm missing something, but I will never understand WHY we choose to focus on this stupid shit when a majority of the country cannot afford to live. I want people to have access to medical care, a safe place to live, and enough food to feed their family. I want people to have unrestricted access to education and opportunity. I want people to be able to freely express their love for the world in whatever way they see fit.