A study of Jayfeather I used to practice drawing backgrounds.
Mothfern (OC)
Mothfern looking up expectantly from his den, greeting his new clanmates warmly.
Mothfern (OC)
Mothfern enjoys spending his time lounging around on the sunning rocks while he's supposed to be patrolling.
An Unwelcome Introduction (OC)
While exploring new lands to expand their territory, Mothfern ran into a mysterious stranger. Despite their brief standoff, he suspects this cat has a story to tell.
Stormtail (OC)
Meet Stormtail! While currently a loner, this stocky cat has connections to higher powers that call him to unite the cats of the forest.
Jane Margolis
Drawn in Photoshop
Jesse Pinkman and Jane Margolis
Drawn in Illustrator
Amanda Young
Saw 1; Drawn in Photoshop
Amanda Young / Pig Head
Saw 1; Pen sketch 3x5"
I haven't made enough fan art for these to have their own sections yet!
I Am The Liquor
Trailer Park Boys
Will Graham
NBC Hannibal
Spencer Reid
Criminal Minds